Approaching Easter

Spring, Easter and Primroses

Proljeće, Uskrs i jaglaci

We are approaching Easter, and I had the idea to make eggs with balsa wood. Still I don't know what will become, perhaps you will see in the next post.

For now we enter in the mood of spring with primrose flowers.

Spinach and Quail Eggs

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Simple spinach pan-fried with garlic and sweetened with milk. Then used as nests for eggs. My mother remembers having eaten a lot as a child, and even as a young girl to eateries. 


Now we approach Easter,and I want to illustrate this dish with quail eggs. 


I enjoyed going to the market to buy fresh spinach, quail eggs and the first planting of primroses. And it's immediately spring, after this long and cold winter.



1 kg fresh spinach

2 cloves of garlic

3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon flour 

200 ml milk

a little butter 

6 quail eggs 

salt and pepper



Boil the spinach in a little salted water. Cut them finely and fry slightly in a pan with the extra virgin olive oil and two whole cloves of garlic, until they lose the excess water.

Add a tablespoon of flour and the milk, and cook for 7-8 minutes. If you want a creamy consistency, add more milk.

Create 6 small hollows, add in a little butter and lay the quail eggs. Salt the eggs. Cook covered for a few minutes, or until the egg desired doneness. I do not like soft, because I'm afraid to eat raw eggs.

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